Antique Wedding Cake in the Attic!

Home Inspector: Looks like there's something left up here in the attic... A coffee tin? opens up Huh, it's wedding cake.

Me and real estate agent: OH MY GOD snatches tin from his hands

We found antique preserved wedding cake in our new home during the inspection, the oldest piece from 1902...!

I told the seller's agent if the seller (who grew up in the house) doesn't want it as a legacy keepsake, I'd take it down to the local Historical Society. However, when I mentioned it to the seller at closing, she said she knew of the tin, and was afraid to remove it, as it might anger some Irish spirits (said lightheartedly).

Ah, well. I had the tin on the counter for a little while as I pondered what to do, before moving it to the top of a closet close to the attic where we found it. Perhaps it really will be happier off just staying put.



